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Free Tasbeeh Wooden – Brown 33 Beads


  • These wooden tasbeeh / Misbaha which also called as rosary or rosaries is made from wood.
  • This particular tasbhee or rosary has 33 beads in it.
  • The shape and size of beads may vary depending on the design of the Wooden rosary / Wooden tasbeeh.
  • These wooden tasbeehs / rosaries also have a tassel or pendant attached to the end for decoration.
  • The wooden beads are sanded to create a smooth surface that is free of rough edges and splinters.
  • These Wooden rosaries / Tasbeehs are durable and can last for many years with proper care.
  • Wooden misbahas / tasbeehs have a traditional design that has been used by people over many centuries.
  • Wooden tasbeehs / rosary are versatile and can be used for different purposes including as prayer beads, meditation, or also as wearable accessory.
  • The Handicraft of Pakistan comes with Funparey safe order guarantee.

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also Known as “Misbaha Wooden Rosary” also “Rosaries 33 Beads”

Now included at no cost with every purchase is a handsomely crafted Wooden Tasbeeh.

Our Wooden Tasbeeh is a beautiful piece that will enhance your devotional rituals with its careful craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each bead is handcrafted from premium wood to ensure a soft, pleasant feel while you list your blessings.

Pick from a variety of colors all of which have ornate patterns that pay homage to Islamic art’s elegance. There is a Tasbeeh for everyone, whether you’re looking for something bright and vibrant or serene and soothing.

Our Wooden Tasbeeh is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. The prayer beads’ silky finish facilitates fluid finger movement during recitation, allowing the practitioner to maintain mental equilibrium and concentration.

In Islamic belief, the Tasbeeh is a sacred object that facilitates a direct line of communication with God. Your prayer life, and your commitment to God, can be enhanced by using this free Wooden Tasbeeh.


Anardana, WoodenBrown, Black

SKU: BCH39WNCM0018 Categories: , , Tag:

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